The Red American

Corrupt Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates Says Election Of Trump-Endorsed Candidates Was A “Catastrophe” – Suggests GOP NEEDS TO LOSE IN GENERAL ELECTION

Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates, who helped cover up the Fraudulent 2020 Election, recently said the 2022 Primary Election in Arizona was a “catastrophe,” but not because of the mass voter irregularities or the massive amount of time it took for Maricopa County to count the ballots.

Instead, RINO Bill Gates said the slate of Trump-Endorsed candidates is “frightening” and suggested that they need to lose the General Election.

Bill Gates and the corrupt Maricopa County Supervisors defied legal subpoenas and fought against the full forensic audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election every step of the way. The audit discovered hundreds of thousands of illegal, fraudulent, or questionable ballots and that Maricopa County illegally deleted elections files.

Numerous election security issues were not corrected before the 2022 Primary Election, and many of the same problems arose.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the massive voter fraud concerns and voter irregularities that occurred to Republican voters on primary election day in Maricopa County and across the State.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Election Day Incompetence – PRINTERS NOT WORKING, Voters Told They’ve ALREADY VOTED, Polling Locations Not Seen On AZSOS Webpage – UPDATES

Despite the massive fraud, Trump-Endorsed MAGA candidates “took the cake” and won every key seat in Arizona.

The race for Arizona Governor remained “too close to call” until Kari Lake was finally announced the winner two days after Election Day,  on Thursday night.

Maricopa County finally finished counting last night, eight days after the Primary. They will now begin an automatic recount of the Democratic primary race for Justice of the Peace due to the three-vote margin of victory.

We’ll be firing up the tabulators again…

— Stephen Richer—Maricopa Cnty Recorder (prsnl acct) (@stephen_richer) August 11, 2022

The shady Maricopa County Supervisors and other elections officials who oversee the election day operations and the counting process need to resign or be fired!

Bill Gates later voiced his anger with Trump-Endorsed candidates who won their elections in the media.

All of these fearless candidates have gone on record to say that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen. The fact that they might win in November is “frightening” to Bill Gates, who called it a “catastrophe.”

Politico reported,

For Republicans hoping for a post-Trump reform, that outcome may be even worse.

“I think the only way back is by humiliation at the ballot box, and the problem is the Democrats aren’t strong enough to do that,” said Bill Gates, a Republican Maricopa County supervisor.

Of the Republicans, he said, “I think they are electable, which is frightening.”

“The election last night was a catastrophe for the Arizona Republican Party,” Gates said, “and, I would argue, our democracy.”

In an interview, Bill Gates later told KTAR, “what may have to happen is that we lose elections… sometimes it does take going through a difficult situation like that for a party to find itself again.”

Elections officials in Arizona are now openly rooting against Trump Republicans.

Gates is terrified because Trump-Endorsed candidates will get to the bottom of 2020 and throw these crooks in prison.

Arizona Republicans must outnumber the fraud again in the General Election.

The post Corrupt Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates Says Election Of Trump-Endorsed Candidates Was A “Catastrophe” – Suggests GOP NEEDS TO LOSE IN GENERAL ELECTION appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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