There Are No Banned Books

While checking out the “banned and challenged” display at my local Barnes & Noble recently, I was reminded that the entire kerfuffle is a...

When Will US Education Department Address Anti-American and Antisemitic Biases in...

American interests require experts on international subject matter. We need diplomats, analysts, and spies with expertise in particular languages and cultures. But Congress made...

Biden in Rolling Fork, Mississippi: “The Town of Rolling Stone will...

Joe Biden on Friday traveled to Mississippi to tour the towns ravaged by storms and tornadoes last weekend. After hiding like a coward all day...

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr Weighs in on Trump Indictment...

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr on Friday reacted to the Trump indictment. A Manhattan Grand Jury voted to indict President Trump on junk charges. Soros-backed...

Left-Wing Violence Chic

A transgender Tennessee mass shooter this week executed three adults and three nine-year-old children at a Nashville private Christian school. Supposedly, she left behind her...

Dr. Peter McCullough: 3 Ways To Treat Spike And Post-COVID Syndrome

Long after the mask mandates and the shutdowns, COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccines continue to haunt us in the form of spike protein. Loss of...