In a city notorious for fierce political and ideological division, New York City has recently seen unity amongst groups perceived to be on different ends of the political spectrum, such as Freedom Patriot groups and Black Lives Matter. Patriot Freedom...
The incompetent and corrupt Biden Regime is laughing at Americans concerned about the supply chain crisis. Last week Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain said he believes inflation and the supply chain crisis are “high class problems.” On Tuesday, White House...
J.R. Majewski seeks to unseat Democrat Marcy Kaptur in Ohio’s 9th district. J.R. Majewski, a Port Clinton native, U.S. Veteran, and nuclear energy executive, has decided that when it comes to big, pro-America statements, the third time’s the charm. After first...
David Romps, director of the Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center, publicly resigned Monday over his concern that the school excludes scientists based on their political beliefs. “Excluding people because of their political and social views diminishes the pool of scientists with...
Moderate and left-wing congressional Democrats continue to wrangle over the details of their partisan $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend bill, but there’s one thing they agree on: As much as 17% of the new spending will go to profitable health insurance...
Thanks to your support, Gateway Pundit has become one of the most-trafficked websites in America. Despite the continued and unrelenting attacks on our social media and reputation, The Gateway Pundit is one of the top 200 most trafficked websites in...
Protesters of Italy’s COVID mandate in Trieste listened to a message from Arch Bishop Vigano during their protest.  After his message, the people began to chant “Vigano, Vigano, Vigano!” We’ve heard from Catholic Arch Bishop Vigano before.  He warned the...
FBI Agents reportedly swarmed the home of Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska this morning in Washington DC.  There’s no mention in today’s reporting of the FBI’s efforts to have Deripaska work for them in 2016. NBC News reports: FBI agents on Tuesday...
The war on history has come for Thomas Jefferson. On Monday, the New York City Council unanimously voted to remove a Jefferson statue from New York City Hall, though they haven’t yet decided where to put it. The statue has...
The Biden administration last month filed a brief encouraging the Supreme Court to uphold New York City’s de facto ban preventing ordinary citizens from carrying firearms in public. The administration argued that an onerous “good cause” requirement—giving the city’s police...


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