3rd Quarter GDP Up Based on Biden Selling US Oil, Gas...

The US GDP reportedly rose by more that 2% says the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) in the 3rd Quarter of 2022.  Ask...

Report Says GDP Is Up, but the Underlying Truth Is More...

Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, increased by a 2.6% annual rate in the third quarter of 2022, according to a U.S. Bureau of Economic...

BOOM! Anti-War Protesters Tag-Team Warmongers Elizabeth Warren and Squad Member Ayanna...

This week, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Representative Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) visited multiple locations in Massachusetts to raise awareness and celebrate the Biden regime’s...

Email Released in Danchenko Case Proves Obama and His Deep State...

With the new information that came out last week, it’s now even more appalling to look back and see former AG Bill Barr’s comments...

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART XIII: Weissmann and the Mueller Gang...

Andrew Weissmann has been intimately involved in some of the biggest corruption scandals in US history. Weissmann was involved in FBI activities with the mob...

Democrats Are Running Young Radical Who Plotted School Shooting for Michigan...

Michigan Democrat nominee for State Representative Maurice Imhoff wanted to carry out a school shooting of Northwest Middle School in Jackson, Michigan. He was...