Joe Biden handed over billions in weapons, planes, helicopters, and airports to the terrorist Taliban in Afghanistan and Russia and China.  Here’s more on the treasonous acts by Biden.

We wrote this past weak on Biden’s handover of what amounts to the weaponry and resources for an entire airforce and army in Afghanistan.

It’s Worse than We Thought: Taliban Seized 75,000 Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons and 200 Aircraft in Afghanistan Leftover by Biden Admin –UPDATED

Jesse Waters at FOX News addressed this last night with spending watchdog Open the Books.  Here’s a small sample of the military hardware now potentially arming the Taliban:

75,000 war vehicles including Humvees, mine resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles, and armored personnel carriers.

208 airplanes and helicopters — yes, the Taliban captured an air force including 20 A-29 Super Tucano attack aircraft and Black Hawk helicopters.

600,000 rifles, machine guns, shotguns, and howitzers were transferred to Afghan security forces.

Waters said this about the tragedy in Afghanistan:

It gets worse and worse and worse the more we find out.”

Giving away these weapons, technology and airfields may be the most treasonous act in US history.  Never let anyone steal your election.


The post More on Biden’s Treasonous Handover of Weaponry, Technology and Airfields to the Taliban Terrorists, Russia and China appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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