Trump-Endorsed Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers is on a steady path to winning reelection and continuing her fight to drain the Arizona swamp.

Rogers is a tough conservative fighter who triggers the radical left. The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Kari Lake and her absolutely triggered RINO Democrat Meghan McCain, the daughter of late Senator John McCain, and sent her on a hilarious Twitter rant.

“I HAVE HAD IT” – RINO Meghan McCain Goes On TRIGGERED Rant Against Kari Lake and Wendy Rogers After Calling Kari a “B*tch” – Arizona State Media Comes To McCain’s Defense, Attacks Lake And Rogers

Senator Rogers has also been fighting for election integrity since day 1, making it her top priority as an Arizona State Senator.

Rogers even fought off the federal thugs who tried to intimidate citizen canvassers and investigators who later discovered an estimated 173,104 lost votes and 96,389 ghost votes. Were it not for her courage, the feds would have tried to stop the audit.

Arizona Lawmaker Responds to AG Garland: “You Will Not Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines Unless You Want to Spend Time in Arizona Prison”

Rogers also showed tremendous leadership during the Arizona audit, which discovered hundreds of thousands of fraudulent or questionable ballots. Rogers was one of the first to call on the legislature to decertify Arizona’s Rigged 2020 Election after the audit found it irredeemably flawed. She also led the charge nationwide with her Audit 50 States Letter — signed by over 100 legislators — which called for nationwide decertification and audits where necessary.

President Trump Endorsed Senator Rogers because she “is doing everything in her power to find out the truth of the 2020 Election, and to hold people accountable for Election Fraud in Arizona.” Rogers will continue to fight for election integrity in all elections going forward.

Internal polling from her campaign, which used automated phone technology to contact voters, shows she has a HUGE 30+ point lead over her closest competitor in the August 2nd Primary.

I just did an IVR poll of my race for re-election – called Republicans & likely Independent voters. Of the people who said they will vote in the primary, here are the results. Also we are seeing a major trend of undecideds breaking toward yours truly. I love you all. #LD7

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 8, 2022

Wendy Rogers told The Gateway Pundit,

We are closing strong and pushing hard. We feel good, but we take nothing for granted. We are also trying to push the rest of Team MAGA over the finish line every chance we can because this is a movement and a team effort. Arizona must not fall to the uniparty RINOs ever again.

With Wendy, you get all of the America First Principles that will Make America and Arizona Great Again.

With Wendy Rogers you get:
Secure the Border
Build the Wall
Secure our Elections
Take Care of Veterans & Seniors
Cut Taxes
Cut Spending
Protect our Forests & Water
Parental Rights
Ban Cheating in Women’s Sports
Pro Life
Protect our Guns
Protect our Liberties
Tough on Crime

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 17, 2022

I will protect your right to keep and bear arms! People love this mailer I sent so much they want me to autograph it. We must protect our guns! #2A @GunOwners @NatlGunRights

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 17, 2022

Endorsements are picking up steam. Our movement is STRONG! Thank you all so much for the support. #MAGA #LD7 #AZPol

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 5, 2022

Here’s another one of my mailers. I’m pushing hard for election integrity, gun rights, securing our borders, standing with law enforcement, expanding affordable American energy solutions & protecting women’s sports from cheaters. Vote Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate. #AmericaFirst

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 19, 2022

Although Wendy Rogers and other Trump-Endorsed candidates in Arizona currently hold massive leads in the August 2nd Primary Election, the Democrat-RINO Establishment is already organizing to rig another election and steal it from America First patriots. The Gateway Pundit recently reported that massive fraud is expected across the state, but the soft Maricopa County GOP refuses to appoint an early ballot signature challenger to secure this election.

FRAUD ALERT: Maricopa County GOP Chair Refuses Requests To Appoint Signature Challengers on Early Ballots — MASSIVE FRAUD EXPECTED!

Rogers tweeted about the Arizona election debacle over the weekend, saying, “every patriot needs to get out and vote for the Trump-Endorsed, Wendy-Endorsed & Kari Lake-Endorsed candidates for office.”

They are stealing & undermining the elections again. Every patriot needs to get out and vote for the Trump-endorsed, Wendy-endorsed, & Kari-endorsed candidates for office. We need MAX turnout to defeat the fraud. I tried to stop it & got a censure, ethics complaints & lawsuits.

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 17, 2022

We need to elect Patriots like Wendy Rogers who are tough and will fight for election integrity. All Patriots in Arizona District 7 must vote for Wendy!

Senator Rogers shared one of her new ads on Twitter, highlighting her election integrity record and thanking President Trump for his endorsement.

Support Trump-Endorsed State Senator Wendy Rogers’ reelection campaign here!


President Trump: Somebody else that’s been brave and wants to go many steps further than anybody, Wendy Rogers. Right? 

Crowd: *Cheers*

President Trump: Thank you, Wendy. Great job. You knew the answer early on, Wendy. We’re waiting for results, but you knew the answer.

Narrator: President Trump endorsed Wendy Rogers because she’s the election integrity fighter who will secure our elections.

My new TV ad. I am the #ElectionIntegrity fighter who will secure our elections. Thank you, President Trump, for your endorsement and kind words. #AmericaFirst

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 18, 2022

The post WATCH: Trump-Endorsed Wendy Rogers’ New Ad Shows Strong Election Integrity Record – Internal Polling Discovers MASSIVE 30 POINT Primary Lead: “Arizona Must Not Fall To The Uniparty RINOs Ever Again.” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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