Killer Tony Fauci destroyed a generation of young Americans knowing COVID-19 was not a threat to healthy young adults and children.

We will be dealing with the Fauci Syndrome for decades to come.

In early March 2020, at the start of the pandemic, Italy became the epicenter of the China coronavirus outbreak in the West.

There were 31,506 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Italy and 2,503 deaths.

50% of those who died from coronavirus had THREE DIFFERENT SERIOUS HEALTH CONDITIONS and the average per person had 2.7 serious health conditions.

Only 12 coronavirus fatalities had NO previous health concerns before coming down with the coronavirus.w data from the Italian government shows that the people dying from the coronavirus are either the elderly or have other complications.

The sick are at a higher risk similar to the flu. Current global data shows that if you have no pre-existing conditions, your fatality rate if you contract the coronavirus is .9% (and what proportion of these cases are the elderly).

The elderly and the sick should be protected.  They are the ones at risk.

Even back in March 2020 the”experts” knew that the virus did not affect healthy children — at all.

And nothing has changed since that time.

Despite the confirmed “science” Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx implemented draconian measures for children and schools.

And now the rest is history.

A recent study by Florida State University found that the Fauci lockdowns damaged a generation of American children.

FSU-Education reported:

A research team led by faculty at the Florida State University College of Medicine found the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to cause personality changes, especially in younger adults.

The research, published in PLOS ONE, found that the population-wide stressor of the pandemic made younger adults moodier, more prone to stress, less cooperative and trusting and less restrained and responsible.

“We do not know yet whether these changes are temporary or will be lasting, but if they do persist, they could have long-term implications,” said Angelina Sutin, a professor in the college’s Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine and the study’s lead author. “Neuroticism and conscientiousness predict mental and physical health, as well as relationships and educational and occupational outcomes, and the changes observed in these traits could increase risk of worse outcomes.”

The changes in younger adults (study participants younger than 30) showed disrupted maturity, as exhibited by increased neuroticism and decreased agreeableness and conscientiousness, in the later stages of the pandemic. Middle-aged adults (between 30 and 64) also showed changes, and the oldest group of adults showed no statistically significant changes.

Previous research supported the long-standing hypothesis that environmental pressures have relatively little effect on personality, but this study indicates that a global stress event can affect personality in ways that more localized crisis events, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, generally do not.

The post FAUCI EFFECT: Study Finds Young Adults Moodier, More Prone to Stress, Less Cooperative, Less Responsible Following Fauci’s Pandemic Rules appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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